It’s startling that the sabotage targeting Kiwi Farms, by Liz Fong Jones & his ilk, including Tier 1 ISP’s, hasn’t been getting more attention across the board. All the tech people & other industry people, all the self styled free speech activists, just seem to shrug it off or make it about themselves and other distractions rather than focusing on the disastrous consequences that will affect every if these criminals succeed. It’s really clarified who the hypocrites & fakes are. Your tenacity is inspirational, and hard earned. Very good breakdown here, easy to understand for any who are new to this, too. Hope this helps bring wider public awareness, understanding, & support your way. God Sneed!

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People are afraid. These sorts are their bosses. Ask anyone at Google who knew Liz Fong-Jones and they will tell you the same story: a busy-body looking for problems, looking for things to complain about, looking for jobs to jeopardize, looking for lives to ruin.

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That’s a relevant reminder, it’s often money that controls a majority of these situations. Particularly the fear of losing one’s livelihood. The Liz Fong Joneses of the world know it, too. They count on it, to help pad their atrocious agendas. Many can’t speak up against these illegalities without risking their jobs, and in some cases, entire careers. The rub has been building though, for years now. Many have reached the breaking point & are speaking out in greater numbers. Still doesn’t solve problems with keeping your absolutely legal site up & running with zero prospects of the troon squad sticking their dirty fingers in your business. The truth is coming out whether they like it or not, it eventually always does. It’s good to see more support of Kiwi Farms & your updates are really opening people’s eyes. This momentum is growing.

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>Kicked off 109 ISPs

How they oppress me so :(

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